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    "Town to town
    broadcast to each house, they drop your name
    but no one knows your face
    Billboards quoting things you'd never say
    you hang your head and pray"

    -Ben Folds

    listen to this song and read the lyrics.

    its right, because you can't argue with how something makes someone feel...and this song represents how a lot of people feel.


    Unknown said...

    Like Wilco:

    "Theologians, they don't know nothing about my soul."

    Recently I read The Myth of a Christian Nation, and it spends a lot of time talking about how the American church tries to assert its ideas and beliefs by asserting power over people, whether that´s through legislation, billboards, things like that. Christ´s model, though, was power under, becoming friends, breaking social taboos and creating realtionships.

    A theologian probably doesn't know much about this person's soul, but a good friend surely would.

    Anonymous said...

    I love this song. That's all I have to say about that.