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    Tetris and Spirituality

    The concept of faith being like a game of Tetris is a decent metaphor for the faults in making spirituality, concrete. The canard is by taking moving pieces and simply forcing them into perfectly symetrical and easily divisible triune compartments, numerical moral sets, and specific disciplines coded by terms only Christians understand, constructs form that are incapable of evolving with the moving pieces of human life, science, and tragedy.

    It is no small wonder things like 9/11 and Katrina are dismissed as conspiracies, which are of course considered unmistakably ignorant claims by the rest of humanity. The Tetris metaphor applies because while one may wish to manipulate things into a tangible block, the truth is things keep moving and holes develop.

    Then panic sets in, because the holes on top breed questions about the blocks below; things like the idea that there is a God who made the beautiful earth. It forces a crossroads where people panic themselves into an ignorant cave of denial or free themselves from spirituality completely, rejecting everything down to the roots and existing in the large, but dull, pluralistic view of vagueness and numbness, making it difficult to enjoy even the question of a creator who loves his art and made it because he loves people.

    The only way to find a depth of understanding in the ends of the above spectrum are atheists and mystics. But most people fear both ends and find themselves restlessly bathing in the luke warm water of

    apathy or ignorance.

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