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    rhythms in 2010

    Around the Peacemaker Revolution houses we are trying to build rhythm. Rhythm is the cornerstone to collective living, because what we aim for is the community, not the individual. It makes it tough, we live in a generation of people who are only willing to commit when they've explored their individual options. We're looking for a covenant living where we aim to commit, regardless of externalities, to coexist with intention. So this year, we have a few things we're putting into a rhythm and want to serve up to you.

    Dinner & Discussion, the proverbial front door to our community, will continue on Sunday nights. We meet at the Franklin House and sit down for dinner at 7:30pm. We always eat a simple, vegetarian meal to commune with those less fortunate than us and we discuss something relevant between our city and Christianity. This spring we'll be talking about Peacemakers and the Bible, then we'll move on to discuss monasticism in history and in our current, urban, climate.

    Monastic Monday, a time of contemplative prayer at the Grace House. Paul Smith describes its purpose as a time not where we worship God with words or pray with requests, but to spend time in silence and reflection. It is every Monday night at 10pm.

    Critical Mass, will start up again in March. We'll be gathering people downtown on a Friday evening each month to ride around downtown, creating a bike culture in our city, finding strength in numbers, and signing people up for Team Wonderbike, New Belgium Brewery's initiative to get more people out of their cars and onto their bikes.

    A few other things to look for in the spring are the resurrection of our community garden, opportunities with Three Pints Brewing Co., and workshops on New Monastacism and Bi-Vocational Missions.

    Much love friends, thanks for a great start to our community in 2009, we look forward to building something more solid in 2010.


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