So Bakary has malaria : ( the viral type. yesterday he started
feeling poorly and was sick all night. he got treatment and we are
still making this crazy trip which I’m nervous for him for. Please
pray that he improves and that his symptoms decline.
Met with the National AID/STI Control Program today, was a really
interesting meet. There is so much stigma here with HIV and so even
the small percentages that get tested, those that are positive don’t
seek treatment.
Just got back from my adventures in the jungle. Wow..so, so much I'm
feeling and processing and have been experiencing and its been hard to
even put into complete thoughts. It was a good though intense experience. We got stuck in the mud in the jungle for two days and slept in the car, so we are happy to be back to the first electricity and stable ground we've seen for
five days. i keep trying to think of how to put words to a lot of what
i've been feeling here but it's such a mix and so different than other
developing country settings because of the diverse geography,
political, and cultural context that a lot of times i can't decipher
if i'm feeling joy at some of the beautiful parts of humanity or deep
distress at its brokenness.
the grant is adding pressure every day and we are still very
behind..would love your prayers that our work is efficient and that
our few hours of sleep the next few days will be multiplied so we are
rested to work. bakary is feeling better from malaria symptoms for the
first time today so that is a huge praise.
Great post, been after that?!
-Kindest regards
Maybe the most interesting paper I have read all day?!?
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