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    Community Garden Party

    We are excited that spring is upon us, the many car-less in our neighborhood are known to emerge and wander the streets, making it a ripe time to make new friends. Please read the below announcement and let us know if you'd like to join! Also, take liberty to share this, especially to people in West Salem.

    The Franklin Street House will be planting their gardens on Sunday April 24th. Any and all wanting to play in the yard or pitch in are welcome to join between 1pm until worship at 5pm. This will be a great opportunity to make a social stir in the neighborhood and make friends. In addition, all are invited to a meal after Church, at 7:30pm, to celebrate the garden. Austin Pfeiffer will lead a discussion on using Community Gardens for missional outreach. They will provide a vegetarian soup, bread, vegetarian salads, and desserts are welcome. Simply RSVP with by April 22nd.

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